Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Top 5 Horror Games Of My Opinion

Hi.. It's been a long time I have never posted anything..My mistake..hahaha.. Alright... Today I would like to post my Top 5 Horror Games... Nowadays Horror games are pretty much scarier than the late 90's horror.. Nowadays , a lots of FPS Horror Games such as Slender Man , Has become so popular that many people stillloves it.. Anyway just read my Top 5 Horror Games..  ENJOY !!!!

1)Fatal Frame 3 : The Tormented-This game has to be on my #5 list.. The story is about a girl whom accidentally kill his fiancee from a car driving lesson.. A few years later ,She was assigned to take photographs in an abandoned mansion.... She suddenly in fright saw her late-fiancee soul past by... Ever since that day she is starting to have nightmares of her late-fiancee in an Unknown abandoned Japanese mansion... Your main goal is to investigate what is going on with you , your late-fiancee and the mansion... The only weapon for you to survive these the so-called "Obscure" camera.. It exscorst ghost that are trying to kill you... Also the camera is also used to look for hidden objects , place or even lost souls of the dead... Plenty of jumpscares can be seen here.. Its Creepy , Scary , Intense and Crazy .. Just be prepare for anything if you are weak-hearted... It is advised that you should play alone with the lights out.. Enjoy

2)Silent Hill : Shattered Memories-Of all of the silent hill series , I picked this one...eventhough weapons are now unavailable , but it gives some feel of a real survival-horror gamer... The story is very similar to Silent Hill 1 , only difference is the place and enemies... you travel from one place to another in search of your daughter Cheryl Mason whom is gone , after you and your daughter occurred an accident near Silent Hill... Your weapon are just your Flashlight and your sense of fear... the only enemies in this game is just the "No Face Crazy Wimp" thats how I called it.... anyway.. The atmosphere in the game is so intense ,full of heart-beating experience and plenty of jumpscares awaits you .. ENJOY !!

3)Slender The Arrival-This is one of the most anticipated horror game of 2013... the story is starts off with Kate.. received news that her best friend is being haunted by the Slender Man... hearing this news she quickly head towards her house in a middle of nowhere... As she enters her best friends house , she suddenly heard someone screams in the backyard.. Kate checked the backyard but there is no one there , Suddenly , Slender Man , appear in front of Kate and give signs that her best friend will be sacrificed... Later on Kate searches for her best friend near an abandoned mine cave to found that her best friend has been possessed by the Slender Man... now her best friend has been possessed by Slender Man , Kate has too avoid these two killers for Kate too escape the area , but in the end Kate dies at the hands of Slender Man , meaning that there is just only a Bad Ending.. Pretty bad though , but the gameplay is pretty much realistic than Slender : The Eight Pages , a lot of changes and massive jumpscares has been put to it.. ENJOY !!!

4)Outlast-One of the most anticipated horror game of 2013 , outlast is a psychological horror-survival game.. the story starts off with an independent journalist named Miles Upshur received a tip from somebody that an abandoned asylum has been raided by authorities but there is no news for 3 weeks.. so Miles took the job and investigate the asylum... Miles cannot use any weapon but he can do vaults and other Parkour movements to escape from his enemies.. His second most important thing is his Camcorder.. His camcorder has a night vision feature that allows him to see through dark places.. The graphics is perfect , jumpscares and crazy people carrying Baton , Knife and others that are trying to kill you.. Still few bugs has been reported but still this game is one of the game you must play before you die.. ENOY !!!!

5)Dead Space-And last but not least is the TPS Survival Horror... Dead Space... There are actually 3 sequels to this game but I prefer the first ones... the story starts off an enginneer named Isaac Clarke was sent outer space to a space station to fix something there.. The moment he arrived there.. There were no survivors , only aliens so called "Necromorphs".. Your main goal is too escape the station in one peace... Firearms is replaced with Cyber Firearms such as The Javelin Gun.. Or the Laser Knife... During the gameplay , Isaac health point can be seen behind his armour in his spinal cord... Everything in the gameplay has been recorded in the armour where you can see behind his back... Game is pretty hard unlike Resident Evil where the monsters walk slowly.. Dead Space enemies outnumbersyou with groups of them..pretty hard but sure is really fun... The Graphics are perfect with full of blood and gore.. Very many jumpscares that might lead you at the back of your seat.. ENJOY!!!!

Well I guess that'sit for my top 5 horror games... Hope you bross out there enjoy reading it.. Sorry if there is any mistakes or wrong grammar... Stay Tuned and Be Awesome Brooos.. GOODBYE

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