Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Top 5 Free Horror Games For PC

Hello...Now I am going to announce to you my top 5 free PC horror games.. Its FPS horror.. I don't have the download link but if you really want the game just search by yourself via Google or maybe your mamas undies ?? Hhahahaha Just kidding.... Ok My Top 5 Free Horror Games starts..

1) Toward The Light- I put this up in my number 5 list because eventhough it's not a "horror" game.. still it has some creepy atmosphere and scary jumpscares sound that might give you a hell of a ride.. the game is not so big.. it's just about 17.18 MB.. Quite boring though

2)Inside- I put this on my list because eventhough the graphics are not so good but there are some crazy jumpscares and creepy music that might make you fell off your chair.. simple.. Let's just say that you are trap in a freaking mansion full of "Ghost".. Your objective : JUST DIE.. Its just 17.40 MB only.. Enjoy

3)The Eyes- I put this on my list too.. Because.. IT'S F**KING SCARY.. the graphics are perfect but there is quite a glitch.. Your objective : Collect some stupid money bags while you are being chased by a headless motherf**ker that has teeth like chainsaw and hair like "I don't know".. Its really scary indeed.. And its 86.70 MB only.. enjoy the headless treat...

4)Euthanasia- this game must be on my number 4 list.. Because the game has really great graphics.. well there plenty of crazy psychotic jump scares such as monsters suddenly come out from a toilet or somehow like that.. and in this game you can use 4 diffrent type of weapons such as : Cleaver , Colt M19911 , Springfield and Uzi.The story is about a man trapped in a mental hospital trying to escape from it , the problemis , the hospital isn't just as it looks like a mental hospital , it's more of a "Death Maze" , Though ammo are scarcity in this game still it's fun to play and well just enjoy the jump scares.. Its quite big though.. 572 MB.. but believe me bros.. You won't regret it

5)Slender The Eight Pages- This has got to be my number 1 list .. 'Cause this is not just scares me but it also pisses me off.. because I was busy looking at a tree and then suddenly this "Thing" come out from my back and I just died like "What The F**k".. Your objective : Find all 8 pages that you see in the game.. When found the first 3 pages , The slenderman will start to appear but not so aggressive , and the music will become not so scary too , When you found the 4-6 pages , The Slenderman will start appear its tentacles and become slightly aggressive and scarier so you better keep moving and don't stop , When you found the 7th page , Its like "Holy S***" , Well let's just say that when you have found the 7th page , Just do the Rambo Style , when I say Rambo style , It does'nt mean that you have too be naked and carry some crazy M249 machine gun with you , NO , but my Rambo Style is this : Keep on sprinting don't think about the slenderman and yeah , if you are lucky you might find the last page and DIE.. anyway all slenderman games has the same ending ; Once you find the items that has to be collected you will end dead in the end.. This game has quite good graphics.. but it's optinal to play with headphones and with your room with the lights off.. Not so big too it's just 67.45 MB.. Play it and you will Poop in your pants HAHAHAHA..

That's all about my favorite Horror FPS games.. Its all free and if you would ask me about anything.. ANYTHING.. feel free to send me a message via my google email.. OK ? stay tuned .. and Thank YOU

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