Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

How To Know If A Girl Likes You

Well , Maybe you bro's out there thinking "Does this girl likes me?".. Well here are some few signs to know how does a girl likes you.. Enjoy

1)She Starts To Stares At You-Well this is no doubt a girl never liked , Just remember that if she stares and smiles at you , Just wave at her and say "Hi" so that she will know that you are arrogant

2)She Starts To Say "Hi , What Are You Doing" In Every Social Media-This is also real , some girls did those to show them care for him , sometimes a girl who really likes a boy , she would always use emoticons everytime she text you

3)Her Friends Will Start To Stare And Talk About You And When You Come Her Friends Will Left Leaving You And Your Admirer Only-This is also a fact , I experience once , just remeber not to act too "Cool" or her friends might 'Ill-Feel' about you , So just act as simple or Be yourself eventhough you didn't like the girl

4)She Starts Write On Her Social Media Status About You , But Of Course Without Your Name In It-This is probably one of the most things that most girls love to do , firstly they would start start to say for example "OMG , He Is So Handsome !!!!" , Maybe that refers to you , just keep an eye on her social media

5)She Would Try To Stalk And Get Close To You As Close As Possible-This is every girl things did when she fell in love with somebody , Just remember that when you are walking down a narrow lonely hallway alone , just watch your back , because maybe that person who stalk you is her a.k.a your admirer

Well That's it for todays topic , hope this might help you a bit and maybe this is someone who really is ... HAHAHAHA.. Stay tuned and Enjoy brosssss

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